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Get to Know Us

Robert-happy-hour-headshot-denver01 colo
Robert Floyd

Robert is a 35-year veteran of management, most of which has been in the health care arena, having held management positions within home health, acute care, mental health, IDD and emergency medical services. He has been involved with home health  since 1995 including positions as agency administrator, corporate VP of Operations, HR Director, and Risk Manager . . . .

Donna Floyd BSN, RN - The Crag Business Group
Donna Floyd

Donna has been a Registered Nurse for over thirty years and has extensive health care experience in management of national, regional and start-up organizations, including home health agencies. She is accomplished in the areas of program and policy development, staff education . . . .

Ellen Caruso 

Ellen Caruso provides independent government affairs consultation with an emphasis on regulatory and reimbursement advocacy for Colorado health care providers. She is a registered lobbyist and publishes her blog “Colorado Home Care: Things You Need to Know Today” making Crag clients among the most knowledgeable in the industry. Ellen has worked in governmental affairs and public relations throughout her career. She knows how to help clients reach their legislative / regulatory goals. Ellen knows the leaders of the industry and  . . .


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NAHC PDGM                                     NAHC PDGM                                 Recruitment Master Class               International TeleHealth               

February 3, 2019                             February 13, 2019                        February 26, 2019                              March 19-20, 2019      

New Orleans, LA HCLA                    Denver, CO  HCAC                          London, UK  UKHCA                            Lisbon, PT    ISfTEH                                                   

ASHRM Academy                            MedTrade                                       PA Homecare Assn                            Indiana Home Care Conference  April 1-4, 2019                                 April 16-18, 2019                            May 1-3, 2019                                      May 8-9, 2019

Phoenix, AZ   ASHRM                       Las Vegas, NV                                  Lancaster, PA                                        Indianapolis, IN


Home Care Assn of CO                  New England Home Care           Arizona AHC                                        Health+Care                                      May 15-17, 2019                               June 5-7, 2019                                June 26-27, 2019                                 June 26-27, 2019                                    Beaver Creek, CO                              Falmouth, MA                                 Scottsdale, AZ                                       London, UK  UKHCA                                   

NAHC Financial Management    HCLA & LMHPC                              OhioCHCH  Conference                    NAHC Annual Conference              July 14-16, 2019                               July 24, 2019                                   September 17-18, 2019                     October 13-15, 2019                            Chicago, IL                                         New Orleans, LA                             Columbus, OH                                      Seattle, WA     


Dixon Healthcare Solutions

December 5-6, 2019

Las Vegas, NV                                                                                                              


Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6

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